The Self Healing Course.  

Get your shit together. Then let that shit go. A course to move you from stress, anxiety, emptiness, and pain to fulfillment within your physical body, mind, and soul.

Become informed by your traumatic experiences and use the wisdom to lead, heal and love. 




Self Study: Includes community conversation within the course comments. Forever access, including any updates Renee makes in years to come. Note: there is no 1:1 coaching or selling in the community comment section. It's a sacred self-healing container and Renee is actively involved. Note: 1:1 clients all have access to this community.  


1:1 Private Coaching for one month + The Self Healing Course:

Work with Renee live on zoom for four, 60-min sessions while working through The Self Healing Course. Access to private Voxer chat support with Renee for 30 Days. 

Each session can include medical/emotional intuition, human design, trauma recovery work, and direct relationship and leadership coaching with tools and action steps.

-Renee meets you where you're at and guides you one-on-one through your life experience while you work through the course.

-Offers a deeper level of accountability, growth, expansion, and a weekly focused plan.

- 4 LIVE One-On-One 60-minute zoom sessions with Renee filled with value. Each session is recorded and available upon request. 

- Change your relationship and intimacy with yourSelf, your partner, your body, and your career/purpose. Thrive while feeling deeply fulfilled. Chat and audio support in between sessions in a dedicated private space with Renee via the Voxer app. 

4 x 1-Hour LIVE Zoom Sessions with Renee

(to be scheduled after registration through our Team.) 


You are not here to imitate what has been done already. You are not here to follow along. You are not here to run yourself into the ground from exhaustion either. 

You are here to delight in your potential. You are here to do the things that only you can do and feel great in your body and relationships while you do it.
This course guides you through self-healing practices so you can clear the way to what comes next in life. We surrender to our physical body and the lessons it has to teach us about our ultimate fulfillment. 

"The whole process was so good… my husband said, 'you seem so happy and I am loving all of your ideas…'. I said it's this course and these calls with Renee..."

Features and Benefits  

  •  Learn to heal yourself through the different Modules
  • Know yourself more deeply, despite all the work you have already done.
  • Feel clearer, and more focused, and let things go that are not in alignment for you.
  • Find deep fulfillment, joy, and pleasure. 

    Get to the root of what’s holding you back, what you need to heal, and what you are here to do/be.

  • Evolve within relationships. How to respond, communicate and create healthier dynamics. 

  • Emotional Regulation: Having tools of permission to be all of you with focus, clarity, and direction.

  • A better understanding of people and yourself while approaching relationships with more respect

  • Find your happiness

  • Self prioritization
  • Nutrition and wellness direction (based on the path you choose)
  • Community (based on the path you choose)


Self Healing Course (Self Lead)



  • Self Healing Course audio and video modules
  • Emotional Regulation and Somatic Healing Tools (audio and video)
  • Meditations
  • The Somatic Freedom Method for Releasing Resentment
  • Journal prompts, worksheets and downloads
  • Somatic Body and Vocal Alchemy practices
  • Includes community conversation within the course comments. Note: there is no 1:1 coaching or selling in the community comment section. It's a sacred self-healing container and Renee is actively involved. Note: 1:1 clients all have access to this community.  
  • Bonus: Self Healer Masterclass Bundle
  • Forever access, including any updates Renee makes in years to come.

1:1 Coaching + Self Healing Course

$1777 one-time payment

Receive The Self Healing Course PLUS Includes:

  • 4 total - 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Renee (60 minutes)
  • Somatic, intuitive, and emotional healing practice to go deeper into the work
  • Personalized tools, intuition, and direction from Renee 
  • Learn how to bring the tools to your relationship(s), health, career, and money in real-time.
  • Recordings of each session available upon request
  • Chat and audio support in between sessions in a dedicated private space with Renee via the Voxer app.
  • Includes community conversation within the course comments. Note: there is no 1:1 coaching or selling in the community comment section. It's a sacred self-healing container and Renee is actively involved. Note: 1:1 clients all have access to this community.  
  • Forever access, including any updates Renee makes in years to come.
PAYMENT OPTION (1:1 Coaching + Self Healing Course) - 3 Payments of $692 (*every 3 weeks)

You have a strong work ethic and pride yourself on your productivity. 

Do you work so hard but you're not moving things ahead?

Is your body no longer supporting you?

Are you in pain and sick of the never-ending battle with your body?

Learn The Somatic Freedom Method for Releasing Resentment.





I bet you've been the responsible one or at the very least committed, to proving everyone else wrong. Do you rebel in secret?

You appreciate your freedom, the beauty of life, making plans, adventure, family, connection... the deep kind that feels rare and impactful. You want to feel seen and fulfilled. 

Connect through The Self Healing Course Modules



You are someone who shows up when it's required... the problem is you are stuck, you don't have a strategy or tools for how to use your time and you know what's holding you back is so much deeper than you once thought. 

You are "hooked on" control so you seek routines or logic to help you find ease and peace. 

It's not working anymore, is it?

Participate in Emotional Regulation and Somatic Healing Tools



Are you constantly seeking order in the chaos?

Did you know the bee technically shouldn't fly since its wings are not properly designed to do so?

From a spiritual perspective, this is a reminder for you about your potential to overcome obstacles successfully and that miracles can happen every day.

This course is about walking through a door you didn't know existed before. 

Receive Somatic Body and Vocal Alchemy guidance.


The daily grind and the same old way you have used your time is not working for you anymore. It's time to shift.

The person you have been is not the person you will remain. 

Think of this as both a challenge and a gift. 

Take a chance. Work 1:1 with Renee for a more personalized experience.


You intuitively know how to rest, and take care of your health but you either don't listen or you don't trust your body or yourself. You haven't trusted many people for a very long time. 

You can be critical and judgemental of others. You are underestimating yourself and what you are capable of. 

Join in on the Bonus content: Self Healer Masterclass Bundle




Suzanne Croll

We have laughed and cried, and created action plans for nutrition, supplements, relationships, and career but most importantly "the why" behind the habit. There have been solutions and directions on how to break free. I have grown emotionally and personally because of you, Renee. 

Mike Heck

As a lifelong junk food addict, I tried many ways to get clean with no permanent cure. My first lesson with my spiritual advisor, Renee Jayne, helped me immediately. Renee, your work on addiction is brilliant. I can’t wait to read your book.

Aspen Fay

You are the first person in my life that taught me that I could still keep certain people in my life with different boundaries. You taught me how to take space and honor myself. This has given me so much relief and I am so much more at peace. I have been able to take care of my own safety and not down-calibrate to other people's energy when I'm triggered… I'm not perfect but there is more peace than ever before.  



I'm here to turn my life experiences and the reflections I hear from dear clients into things that can help make all of our lives smoother, clearer, and easier to navigate.

I am enjoying the ride that is my life. I feel fulfilled and happy and it's taken me 20 years of working with these modalities and others to know this:

Everything is perfectly created and happening for us to point us right back to the gifts we are here to share. 

I want to help you share your gifts... the gifts that have always been within you.

This course will help you remember.  

This course on self-healing is about self-acceptance not about self-help.

My purpose gives me this incredible drive to want to make sense of things, wrap my mind around concepts and then distill it down in a way that is digestible for those that need it. 

You get to have control over your thoughts, mentality, and actions.

You get to change your life.

My prayer is that this course is a guiding light for you to do just that. 



A more formal biography for me can be found on


More Praise:

Amy Whitehead

Renee provided me with tools and support in critical areas of my life. Stress management, self-prioritization, nutrition/wellness, inner-work coupled with an individual platform that included a a community to engage with. This approach, that included many aspects of introspection, helped me dive into empowering work in a self-paced yet structured program that was important for me at during a personal crossroads. I found her coaching style warm with much needed check-ins that helped me stay focused and connected to my goals. I appreciated Renee’s candor and expertise on a range of topics that guided me and motivated me to take critical steps forward on my personal journey.

Marlowe B

One of Renee’s greatest strengths is seeing each person as the unique individual we each are. She combines an understanding of the universality of the human body and spirit with her ability to see and hear you and identify and work with your specific bodily, emotional, and energetic needs. It is from this place of clear vision in tandem with non-judgment that she offers attuned and aligned coaching and nutritional support. I strongly recommend exploring her offerings - tomorrow you will be glad you did.

Bourke Thomas

The statements “transformative” and “life-changing” can often be used lightly to describe seemingly simple events. However, working with Renee has profoundly changed my life, it has saved my relationships with my wife, family, friends, co-workers, and most importantly my relationship with myself. I wish I would have made the commitment to self-care sooner. Her holistic approach truly helps the mind, body, and soul.



Emotional Regulation

This course helps you see what you need to understand about yourself and where you need to look within. Most importantly, where you need to celebrate yourself so you can activate healing. 


Supportive Community 

Our team supports you. Our intention is that you feel held in this work. 

A client shared, "I’ve got my back, you’ve got my back and I can come to this community with what I need to work on and meet every time." 


Stress Management 

A client shared, "I feel clearer, more focused, and let things go so that I can move forward with things that are more in alignment, that I'm truly here to do and want to do. … Things that fulfill me, bring joy and pleasure."

Somatic Freedom From Anxiety 

 Get to the root of what’s going on. Know your triggers and how to show up healthy in your nervous system, mind, and thinking.

Learn your specific self of self, where your energy goes, and how to direct it. 


Who this is for:

You possess a primal hunger for sacred nourishment and nothing will stop you until you fulfill it.

Your ravenous appetite goes far beyond food pleasures, even though you appreciate those too. 

You are uniquely complex in your human and spiritual experiences. 

You know, deep down that your intricate system is powerfully designed for healing, creating, and change. 

You are here to let life touch you deeply and to allow life, health, wealth, and love to enter your world.

You are a legacy changer and desire to be the change, literally. 

You know that trusting yourself fully and completely is something very important for you. 

Who this is NOT for:

The Self Healing Course is a guide with a clear intention behind it... to change Legacy and clear up generational trauma bonds and cultural patterns that don't serve us anymore.

Renee is a trauma-informed coach who has also continuously invested in her own personal trauma work for over 20 years.

If you don't feel that you are in the place to explore some of your old fear and resentments, then please do not take this course at this time. 

Most people come to this work because they know deep down the only way out of the pain (physical, emotional or mental) is to go through it. They know they cannot push it down and ignore it any longer. 

You are here to let life touch you deeply and to allow life, health, wealth, and love to enter your world.


Self Healing Course (Self Lead)



  • Self Healing Course audio and video modules
  • Emotional Regulation and Somatic Healing Tools (audio and video)
  • Meditations
  • The Somatic Freedom Method for Releasing Resentment
  • Journal prompts, worksheets and downloads
  • Somatic Body and Vocal Alchemy practices
  • Facebook Group
  • Bonus: Self Healer Masterclass Bundle

1:1 Coaching + Self Healing Course

$1777 one-time payment

Receive The Self Healing Course PLUS Includes:

  • 4 total - 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Renee (60 minutes)
  • Somatic, intuitive, and emotional healing practice to go deeper into the work
  • Personalized tools, intuition, and direction from Renee 
  • Learn how to bring the tools to your relationship(s), health, career, and money in real-time.
  • Recordings of each session available upon request
  • Chat and audio support in between sessions in a dedicated private space with Renee via the Voxer app.
PAYMENT OPTION (1:1 Coaching + Self Healing Course) - 3 Payments of $692 (*every 3 weeks)


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